Research area and keywords of research:
Points of contact of music teacher training and music teaching
(Keywords: existing legislation, music textbooks)
Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
Ildikó Pintér-Keresztes
Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Music
Research objectives:
Supplementing the content of music teacher training by studying existing legislation, analyzing available music textbooks, furthermore writing and using much-needed special literatures.
Description and results of research:
Presentations in conferences, writing publications, organization of the event entitled „Music – I learnt it – I’m teaching it” – whose primary aim is an all-round training of students of music at university for a teacher’s life.
The content of university lectures and possibility of their daily application in education. The deficiencies of teacher training in the light of music teaching.
Research partners from other institutions: -
Other information:
Supplementing the content of music teacher training by studying existing legislation, analyzing available music textbooks, furthermore writing and using much-needed special literatures
Publications (max. 5):
Kerettantervi előírások alkalmazhatósága (publication in progress)
- Elmélet és gyakorlat kapcsolata 2012 után az ének-zeneoktatásban. Képzés és Gyakorlat: Training and Practice 16: 2 p. 137-146 (2018)