Central European Exchange Program For University Studies (CEEPUS)

CEEPUS is a mobility scholarship programme in the field of higher education, designed to support student and teacher exchanges, the organisation of summer schools, special courses and student excursions by developing long-term academic co-operation between partner institutions within the participating countries. The programme strengthens the strategic role of the CEE region.

Applications can be submitted to accredited higher education institutions of the participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The CEEPUS Agreement was signed on 8 December 1993 by the ministers of education of the founding countries. The first student and teacher mobilities between the partner institutions were realised in the second semester of the academic year 1994/1995. The current Agreement, CEEPUS III has entered into force in 2011. CEEPUS III pays special attention to support research activities and joint doctoral programmes.

The full text of the current regulations is available on the central website www.ceepus.info / About us.

Each member country has its own National CEEPUS Office (NCO) which is responsible for the co-ordination of the CEEPUS programme in the whole country. In Hungary, this task is performed by Tempus Public Foundation.

Our contact details:
Tempus Public Foundation / National CEEPUS Office Hungary (NCO-HU)
Phone: +36 (1) 237-1300
E-mail: ceepus@tpf.hu
Postal address: 1438 Budapest 70, PO Box. 508.

CEEPUS network partners

CEEPUS networks concerning the University of Nyíregyháza

Teaching and research in advanced manufacturing

New teaching technologies and new applications in modernization of teaching at the Faculties of Technical Sciences in connection with the needs of small and medium enterprises in the environment

Design, implementation and use of joint programs regarding quality in manufacturing engineering in accordance with industry 4.0

Development of mechanical engineering (design, technology and production management) as an essential base for progress in the area of small and medium companies’ logistics - research, preparation and implementation of joint programs of study in the aspect of Industry 4.0

Engineering as Communication Language in Europe

Technical Characteristics Researching of Modern Products in Machine Industry with the Purpose of Improvement Their Market Characteristics and Better Placement on the Market

Teaching and Research of Environment-oriented Technologies in Manufacturing

Research and Education of Environmental Risks

Implementation and utilization of e-learning systems in study area of production engineering in Central European Region

PL-1509-03-2223 (Umbrella)
Internet of Things and Teleinformatics - ITT network

CZ-0201-15-2223 (Umbrella)
Knowledge Bridge for Students and Teachers in Manufacturing Technologies

CEEPUS programme

CEEPUS institutional coordinator
Phone: 00 36 42/599-400 / 2261
Email: bartha.aliz@nye.hu