Research area and keywords of research:
Drying of Agricultural Materials and Foodstuffs
(hot-air drying, freeze drying, combined drying, chemical components, cost and quality)
Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
- Dr. habil Tamás Antal PhD, associate prof. (head of the research group)
- Dr. habil Benedek Kerekes PhD, univ. prof.
- Dr. Antal Lengyel PhD, college prof.
- István Lajtos master instructor
- Károly Krajnyik technical instructor
Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Vehicle and Agricultural Engineering
Research objectives:
The aim of research is to examine the effectiveness of freeze drying (FD) enhanced with two-stage mid-infrared- or/and hot-air-freeze drying. To examine the effect of application of the mid-infrared-freeze drying (MIR-FD) and hot-air-freeze drying (HAD-FD) on product quality (color, water activity, hardness and chemical components).
Description and results of research:
The two-stage drying methods pronouncedly affected the drying time, energy uptake and physical-mechanical properties of dried substances. The drying kinetics was estimated using Henderson–Pabis and third-order polynomial, etc. models. From the statistical test results and correlation, it is understood that thin-layer models have been successful in predicting moisture ratio of drying fruits and vegetables. The drying process combining infrared/hot-air and lyophilization provides a potential alternative to the freeze drying of foodstuffs, based on results of quality tests. Further research is required to determine the adequate change point in drying curve and chemical component of final product.
The research group has established international cooperation with five universities.
Research partners from other institutions: -.
Other information: -.
Publications (max. 5):
- T. Antal – B. Kerekes – L. Sikolya (2014): Quality evaluation of different pre-treatments and combined convective-freeze drying of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences 10., p. 21-37. ISSN 1786-335X
- T. Antal (2017): Drying characteristics and quality of pear under hybrid drying (mid-infrared-freeze drying). Hungarian Agricultural Engineering, 31/2017, p. 33-44. ISSN 0864-7410
- B. Kerekes – T. Antal (2018): Practical experiences of an operational size freeze drying equipment. Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 16(1), p. 106-111. ISSN 1583-7904