Bessenyei György Teacher Training Centre (BGYPK)


1. Name of the Institute

 BGYPK-Foreign Language Group

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Contrastive linguistics

Nagyné Schmelczer Erika,  Kiss Kálmán, Csiky Nándor,

Retired researchers:  Székely Gábor, Csekéné Jónás Erzsébet, Laczik Mária, Répási Györgyné

Researchers from other institutes:  Minya Károly, Tukacs Tamás, Lukács Béla

3. Research area and keywords of research

Kinship terms, Family names, Colours, Numbers, Quantity/Amount.

Contrasting terminologies (according to grammatical, phraseological and semiotic criteria) belonging to certain semantic fields with one another, also doing a contrastive examination of languages spoken in Europe and the Far East.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

Systematicity in expressing kinship terms, colours and numbers, as well as discovering their linguistic and cultural peculiarities in the languages.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

The research group published its first publication in 2017. The research topic was kinship terms.

The second volume on contrastive linguistics was published in 2018, the topic of which was the linguistic realization of the realm of colours. The third research field is the way of expressing numbers and quantities/amounts in the 10 languages examined.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)

In co-operation with linguists-researchers from BGE, DE, NYE, ELTE, Újvidék, KF Református Tanítóképző Főiskola Debrecen, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Pannon Egyetem, Miskolci Egyetem.

7. Other information (if any)

The research group has been brought about by the individual initiation of the instructors of the University of Nyíregyháza, its institutional framework for its work is provided by the NYE (conferences, workshops, and presentations of books are held at the university), but it is autonomous and open to other sites of research.

8. Publications (max. 5)

 - Család és rokonság nyelvek tükrében.  Szerk.: Hidasi Judit, Osváth Gábor, Székely Gábor. Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2016.

- A színek és a színnevek világa. Szerk.: Székely Gábor. Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2018.


- Számok és mértékek. Szerk.: Nagyné Schmelczer Erika. Megjelenés alatt (2020).