Neptun Electric Study System of the University of Nyíregyháza:
A Short Guide to NEPTUN for Foreign Students
The NEPTUN is a national electronic administration system in Hungary for students enrolled to a university. This is a huge electronic database, which contains the personal data and full academic study records of all students (registration, courses, exams, grades and credits), and it is also used for managing financial transactions for items which students are expected to pay to the university.
With Neptun students can
- modify their personal data;
- access information about courses, study requirements, exam dates and locations;
- sign up for their courses;
- sign up for their exams;
- check their grades;
- send and receive messages to and from lecturers and administrators;
- pay their tuition and other fees;
- send feedback about lecture(r)s.
Each student admitted to our university will receive his/her Neptun code and password from your Erasmus coordinator.
Students can only access their own data. For security considerations, IT IS VITAL THAT EVERYBODY KEEP THEIR PASSWORD SECRET.
If you have a problem related to the usage of Neptun, contact your Erasmus student buddy or your Erasmus coordinator.
How to Use Neptun
Go to
Switch to ENGLISH if necessary.
After “Login name:” carefully enter your Neptun code.
After “Password:” write your date of birth in the Hungarian way (yyyymmdd) with no dots or space (like: 19891231).
Press Enter.
After your first login change your password according to the steps described below.
How to change your password
On the first entry, the password has to be changed in a pop-up window which serves the user’s interest. Only after this, you are able to use the interface.
After your first login and then randomly but regularly change your password. Enter your old password first then type your new password twice and finally click on Change password.
It is advisable to use a password consisting of a specific combination of alphanumeric characters, which cannot be easily guessed by other people. Passwords can contain small and capital Hungarian alphabetic characters, as well as numerals.
The Neptun code is your administrative university ID. You cannot change and you need to use it for all administration which you might face. Make sure you remember it.
Over the header, on the top right corner, the name and the Neptun code of the signed student and also the “Logout” button (to exit safely from the program) can be seen. Between the Neptun code and the logout, a countdown time display shows that when will the program log the user out automatically, if there is no operation.
Check and adjust your details about studies. Register for courses and exams here or cancel your registration(s).
Training data
You can see information about your current training and program(s). You can change the program (if you have more than one) according to your current preference in the upper left corner.
Your academic program by subjects in each semester can be seen here. By pressing results, the grades you earned can be seen, too. If you click on the title of the subject further details on the subject are shown. Here you will find the Subject’s Courses, Basic data, Syllabus, Notes and Students on the Subjects and information on them. Clicking on Subject’s Courses, you will find the course (lesson) for the subject and the type of the course.
Basic data – The title and the code of the subject, the credit value and its description and also the preliminary and final requirements and the names of lecturers in the lesson can be seen here.
Syllabus – Mid-term requirements of the subject are shown here.
Notes– The official textbooks for this course are listed here.
Students – Students enrolled in the very course.
Course’s Curriculum – Identification of the curriculum and its validity.
Missing information concerning the curriculum is to be requested from the lecturer.
See and print your Timetable by choosing the year and the week and by specifying what you need (lectures, exams).
Grade average
Your credits earned, your averages and the number of exams taken are shown here.
Index/Grade book
It shows the full academic contents of your index/grade book in each semester including final grades. You can print the list with the printer thumbnail.
All the subjects of your curriculum are listed here. By comparing the sample curriculum with your already finished program it is easy to check what requirements you still face with.
At this point, training requirements are specified.
Register for subjects or cancel subject registration here.
Current subjects
Your actual subjects and grades in each subject (by clicking Results) are presented here. By clicking on the title of the subject, you can learn more about it. Here you will find a description and other information.
Subject registration
After having selected the semester and the curriculum you can get registered for subjects here. Put a tick in the box after Show only those subjects that will be launched and click on List subject. As a result, a list of subjects will appear. By clicking on the title of a subject you can learn more about it and can get registered for it by choosing the right course. Remember to check the schedule, the type and the language (English!) of the course. From this list, you can get registered for the subject by putting a tick after the right course and hitting Save finally. After registering for the subjects you always have to choose a course (class) for it. If the subject has more types of courses (lecture, practice, lab) you have to choose one from each type. Check if the course’s language is English and it fits your timetable. A new window will confirm the successful selection.
Choose course for the registered subjects
Subject registration is considered complete only if you are registered for a course, too. No subject registration may take place without course registration. Courses can also be changed here. Cancelling course registration is also an option offered here.
Mid-term tasks
Information on mid-term tasks is conveyed here. To get fully informed about the requirements see and ask your teachers in class.
Proposed grades
Teachers may propose a grade for you at the end of the study period. Check here if there is a grade there for you proposed in any of your subjects taken. You can accept it by hitting save, but – as a result – you are not allowed to take the exam after having the proposed grade accepted.
Get registered or cancel registration for the exams here. Find out more about exams (dates, places, limitation in numbers of students, etc.).
Exam registration
Choose the semester and the subject in the exam filter and click on List exams. From the list choose the exam suitable for you. To register for the exam click on the line of the chosen time. By clicking on its title find out more about the exam. The list of student names registered for this particular exam is also performed at this stage.
Selected exams
The exams you have registered for are listed here. Cancelling exam registration takes place by clicking on Dereg