Implementation of the Erasmus+ Small-scale public education partnerships (KA210-SCH) application at Eötvös József Practice Primary School and High School
(Project No.: 2022-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000084386)
In the century of globalization, international cooperation plays an increasingly decisive role in the field of education. Today, a successful institution cannot exist without internationalization and mobility activities, one of the keys to the excellence of the organizations is that the employees can use their expertise in the international space as well.
In the mission statement of the University of Nyíregyháza, the broadening of cross-border educational and scientific cooperation and exchange relationships, and the familiarization and familiarization of the means of cultural mediation of international contact are prominent. By joining the European Education Area, the institution strives to create opportunities for its students and staff to learn the key competencies necessary for lifelong learning.
The Eötvös József Practice Primary School and High School has built and operates a well-organized international contact system over the past decades, which primarily offers support for the teaching of the five foreign languages taught at the institution (English, German, French, Italian and Russian). The school effectively uses the country knowledge programs, its partner school relationship, and the Erasmus+ application coordinated by the Tempus Public Foundation as a background for its foreign language programs.
Currently, the institution is implementing a successful international mobility program between 2022-2024 under the Erasmus+ Small-scale Public Education Partnerships (KA210-SCH) grant type under the title Experiential pedagogy, forest school and active tourism.
The value of the tender project success of the Eötvös Vocational School and its Transylvanian - Székelyföld partner school, the Baróti Szabó Dávid Líceum, is highlighted and emphasized by the fact that the tender - which enables the processing of various innovative topics - was announced in all 27 member states of the European Union, and in this tender from these countries 30 schools were winners. Hungary is represented in this round by 5 schools, and one of them is Nyíregyházi University Eötvös József Practice Primary School and High School which won the highest grant in its category (60,000 euros).
As the first element of the tender, the international opening partner meeting for the coordination of the project took place between November 29 and December 02, 2022, organized by the Eötvös József Practice Primary School and High School of the Nyíregyházi University.
After that, the professional representative group of the school's ERASMUS+ project represented Nyíregyházi University and Eötvös Practice School at a successful and effective international partner meeting between March 29 and March 31, 2023. The coordination mobility and program was hosted and conducted by the Eötvös Practice School's partner institution participating in the project, Dávid Szabó Baróti Technological High School (Romania).
As a result of the enthusiastic work of the professionals from the two countries, domestic and EU public education institutions will be able to benefit from the model program entitled "Experience pedagogy, forest school and active tourism" (experiential and combines informal methods with traditional, formal education), which will be developed during the tender partners during meetings.
The high-quality organization and implementation of the tender can give new impetus to the institution's exchange relations and internationalization processes.