On 30 March 2023, Miklós Lengyel, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, responsible for training, scholarship programs, and science diplomacy, visited the University of Nyíregyháza to learn about the internationalization programs of our university, held talks with the university's management and experts, and met with foreign scholarship students. He also visited the LEGO Education Innovation Studio, the international community arena, and the pilot training practice place.
Dr. György Szabó, Rector of the University of Nyíregyháza, presented the results of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, which has played a decisive role in the internationalisation of the university and the programme is 10 years old this year. He stressed that the future expansion of the institution's training opportunities will help attract international students through the SH programme or through self-financing way. In the spirit of internationalisation, new developments have been implemented, including the only LEGO Innovation Education Studio in East-Central Europe, which is unique in the country.
The possibilities of pilot training have also been expanded: the experts of Tréner Kft. the company leading the practical training, presented the new training methods they use in the training of students at the airport in Nyíregyháza. Deputy State Secretary Miklós Lengyel, who visited the airport accompanied by Rector Dr György Szabó and Halkóné dr. Rudolf Éva, Chancellor of the University, highlighted that the experience of the programme is that foreign students prefer to apply for training courses where they can gain serious practical knowledge in addition to theoretical studies.
The full-day technical programmes were considered mutually beneficial by both parties. The University of Nyíregyháza has set further professional development and further strengthening of the internationalisation process as its long-term goals, the university leaders said. Deputy State Secretary Miklós Lengyel emphasised that the University of Nyíregyháza plays an important role in the education of international students in the region, and he was also pleased to note that students studying in the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme consider their studies successful, and that the institution of higher education is carrying out its work with high added professional content and forward-looking developments.