Education for Sustainability

Research area and keywords of research:
Education for Sustainability
(Keyword: Education for Sustainability, Teacher Training, Forest school)

Name of the researcher(s) and research group:

  • „Education for Sustainability” research group
  • Dr. Ferenc Kiss PhD (head of the research group)


  • Dr. Ferenc Mónus PhD
  • Dr. D. Tóth Márta PhD
  • S. Paráda Andrea

Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Environmental Science

Research objectives:
Our aim is to research how to build awareness and knowledge of sustainability issues and develop students and schools to think critically, innovate, and so move towards a more sustainable practice of education.

Description and results of research:
In the last few years new teacher training degree programs - from preschool to high school - give an option to teach how nature functions as a network and how Homo sapiens can manage their behavior and live in a sustainable way within this system.
Understanding how elements in nature are related as a complex system and how they influence one another as a whole. Teacher training has an unquestionable role in achieving these goals. In this research we study the state of sustainability education in the programs, especially focused on the nature-human relationship.

Research partners from other institutions:
József Eötvös Practicing School Nyíregyháza

Other information:-

Publications (max. 5):

  1. Ferenc Kiss , Judit Vallner, Norbert Domina: The role of Forest School in environmental teachers’ training MA. In: Dráviczki Sándor (szerk.) Studies in pedagogy and culture. Nyíregyháza: Jedlik-Okteszt Kiadó Bt., 2011. pp. 23-28.
  2. Kiss Ferenc , Spákné Paráda Andrea: Értelem, érzelem és környezettudatosság (Sense, Emotion and environmental consciousness) PEDAGÓGIAI MŰHELY (NYÍREGYHÁZA) 37:(2) pp. 51-59. (2012)
  3. Kiss Ferenc , Tukacs Tamás: Let’s talk about the environment and sustainability. Nyíregyháza: Nyíregyházi Főiskola, 2013. (ISBN:978-615-5545-35-1)
  4. Kiss Ferenc , D Tóth Márta: ”Természetismeret-környezettan” - egy új szak az osztatlan tanárképzésben: “Teacher of science and environment”-new degree program in teacher training. In: Zsigmond AR , Szigyártó IL , Szikszai A (szerk.) X. Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia. 320 p.  Konferencia helye, ideje: Kolozsvár , Románia , 2014.03.27 -2014.03.29.
  5. Mónus, Ferenc-Kiss, Ferenc (2019): Forest schools in the teacher training programs of the University of Nyíregyháza – proposals to the research of forest schools’ programs, Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences Vol. 9, No. 3, 2019 pp. 50-63 ISSN 2560-5429