Research area and keywords of research:
Physical Education and Sport Science
(Keywords: humanbiology, motor performance, body composition, anthropometric characteristic)
Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
Head of Research: Ildikó Dr. Vajda - professor
Instructors participating in the research:
- Vajda Tamás - associate professor
- Gyula Veress - instructor
Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science
Research objectives:
The relationship between motor performance and anthropometric characteristics in children.
Description and results of research:
During the research, follow-up studies and comparative analyzes of body size, body weight and body composition as well as motor performance changes and lifestyle characteristics take place at national and international level.
The research is attended by a number of instructors from the University of Physical Education, the Department of Health Sciences and Sport and the numerous instructors and students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Nyíregyháza.
Research partners from other institutions:
Physical Education University, Institute of Sports medicine, Budapest
Other information:-
Publications (max. 5):
- Szmodis, M., Bosnyák, E., Protzner, A., Trájer, E., Vajda, I., Szőts, G., Tóth, M. (2014): Sportoló és nem sportoló 16-18 évesek humánbiológiai jellemzői és közérzete. Magyar Sporttudományi Szemle 15 : 58 pp. 61-62.
- Ildikó, Vajda; Zsófia, Mészáros; Klára, Batta; Tamás, Vajda (2012): Secular trend in body fat and running endurance in primary schoolboys. Scientific report series Physical Education and Sport University of Pitesti 16: 1. pp. 24-28., 5p. (2012.)