Research area and keywords of research:
The main fields of the Group’s activity are study and social-historical interpretation the social processes of various historical periods.
Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
Social Science Research Group
Dr. habil. Zsoldos Ildikó, director of the Institute
- Dr. Aszalós Éva
- Dr. Buhály Attila
- Dr. Gulyás László Szabolcs,
- Dr. habil. Kiss Lajos András
- Dr. Óbis Hajnalka
- Dr. Szabó-Zsoldos Gábor
- Dr. Szoboszlay György Csaba
Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of History and Philosophy
Research objectives:
One of the goals of the Research Group is to broaden its international network.
Description and results of research:
Since its establishment, the Research Group regularly organises academic conferences and workshops dedicated to social sciences: “Walls and Dividing Lines in History” (2012), “Waco / Myths of Fear” (2013), “Information and Society” (2013), “Cold Cases, Disputes in the Hungarian and World History” (2014), “Marginality, Marginal Places and Situations” (2016), “Women in Christianity” (2017), “Furtive Sexuality – Concealed Identity” (2017); “Great Consequences of the Great War” (2018), “Drugs in Time and Space” (2018). Scholars of Hungarian and foreign universities, archives and museums participate frequently in these events.
Research partners from other institutions:
Researchers of the Group take part in other social-historical projects as well: HSRF (OTKA) studies, Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns Research Group, Károlyi Research Group of the National Archives of Hungary.
Other information: -
Publications (max. 5):
- Presentations of the conferences have been published in proceedings (e.g. Falak és választóvonalak a történelemben. Nyh., 2014.; Az információ mikrotörténetéhez. Információtörténelem. Bp., 2015.) and in journals (Erdélyi Múzeum, Világtörténet, Médiakutató, Jel-Kép, Történelmi Szemle, Aetas, Századok, Gesta, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregi Szemle, etc.).