International Relations Office

The International Relations Office (NKI) started its operation on 1 August 2020 as an independent organizational unit with 4 people: it is a successor unit of the International Relations Office of the Student Service Centre.
The tasks of the NKI include promoting the internationalization of the institution, nurturing and developing its international relations, seeking international training and research collaborations, and building educational and cultural institutional partnerships. The main goal of the NKI is to perform the organizational tasks of various international scholarship programs, the most important of which are the following:

  • Erasmus + 
  • Campus Mundi 
  • Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship  
  • Diaspora 
  • Makovecz program 

Coordinating the recruitment of English language students at the University of Nyíregyháza, initiating foreign language courses, participating in the preparation, recruiting paid foreign students to the University of Nyíregyháza and certain issues related to the organization of their entry into Hungary and the study and stay of foreign students is a priority.