Mobility Café invitation - Erasmus+

The International Relations Office would like to invite you to our next Mobility Café on Tuesday 13th June at 13:00 in the Erasmus Room (K13).  

A presentation will be given by Dr. habil. László Simon Professor, Anikó Tanyiné Dr. Kocsis College Associate Professor, and Dr. István János College Professor on the topic "The First Steps of the Sun Project in Portugal".

Each guest will be welcomed with tea cakes and refreshments.

News on the fifth International Café event at the university.

The International Relations Office invited the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme students for a round table talk, which took place on the 5th of June 2023.

The actual round table event started with the pre-opening presentation held by Ákos Choinski Marshall, a Visual Art student from the United States of America. Ákos was sharing his experiences within the Diaspora Higher Education Scholarship Programme.

Fifth International Café - Stipendium Hungaricum event invitation

International Relations Office of the University of Nyiregyhaza is pleased to launch roundtable talk with Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship students on the 5th of June at 14:00 pm. Place: Erasmus Room (K13).The objective of the round-table discussion is to highlight the difficulties and challenges of the academic year 2022/2023.

Fourth International Café event at the University

The International Relations Office of the University of Nyíregyháza has organized its fourth International Café Event on May 17, 2023. Levente Kiss, student of the University, who has been interested about woodwings instruments from a very young age, gave a presentation to the Stipendium Scholarship students in English language. In his presentation he described the woodwings instruments. From a shepherd's pipe to factory made clarinet and the Hungarian folk harp.

The University gym opens its doors!

We are pleased to inform you that the University gym will start its test run. Until 30 June 2023, we welcome all our employees and students in the University gym, which is free of charge during this period. 
Planned opening hours:
Monday 16:00-20:00/ Tuesday 08:00-11:00/16:00-20:00
Wednesday 14:00-20:00/ Thursday 08:00-10:00/13:00-20:00
Friday 13:00-20:00
Opening hours are subject to change, please check on-site!