Students at Risk Subprogramme: new application for Ukrainian citizens is now open!

Application for the Students at Risk Subprogramme for the spring semester of academic year of 2023/2024 is open till 9 October!

More details and instructions about the application you can find on the official website of Stipendium Hungaricum:

The Summer University "Hungarian as a Foreign Language" at the University of Nyíregyháza is concluded.

The main goal of the Summer University, as well as the idea of its establishment, was to unite the values, cultures, and knowledge of international students and professors. This would give new perspectives to the university's approach to further internationalisation, broaden knowledge, and create new opportunities.

Graduation ceremony at the University of Nyíregyháza

We are proud of our international students who received the final certificate after completing their studies. Year by year, the number of international students, who are finishing their studies at our institution, is growing. It was a great honor for us to welcome Mr. Ernesto Ganga Counsellor from the Embassy of Angola, who personally came to participate at the graduation ceremony.

SH & Joint innovative session summary

The joint innovative session on internationalisation took place on the 30th of June 2023. The event was organised in cooperation with the Mental Health Centre and the International Relations Office. The event highlights, held by the head of the Centre Körei László: organisational citizenship, intercultural sensitisation, tolerance and respect for human values.

Erasmus+ Mobility Café Summary

On 21. 06. 2023 László Zsitnyár gave a presentation at the latest Mobility Café event of the International Relations Office of University of Nyíregyháza. The presentation, titled ¡Holá! Erasmus+, introduced the recent International Staff Week in Spain, Almeria, to the audience. The presentation highlighted how Staff Weeks provide a great opportunity for the staff of the institution to exchange and learn new innovative ideas and good practices, and how they also serve the internationalisation goals of the university.

Mobility Café invitation „¡Holá! Erasmus+”

Dear Students,

The International Relations Office would like to invite you to our next Mobility Café event on 21st of June (Wednesday) which will be held in the Erasmus Room (K13 room) from 13:00 o’clock.

László Zsitnyár, international coordinator will give a presentation with a title „¡Holá! Erasmus+”

We welcome every guest with teacakes and refreshments.

Getting to know the beauty and culture of Hungary - foreign students of our university participated in a roundtrip to Szatmár-Bereg

On June 14, 2023, our foreign students had a full-day excursion to get acquainted with the values of the two eastern regions of our county. First, we visited the local history and ethnography exhibitions of the Bereg Museum, then we got to know the history of the beautifully decorated Reformed church of the nearby village of Tákos. From Bereg, we crossed the Tisza to the village of Nagyar in the Szatmár region, where we admired the magnificent rose garden of the Luby Castle, famous far and wide, and the exotic plants of its Palm House.

Mentor training workshop summary - 2023. June 12.

There are several people involved in the mentoring programme. Their collaboration is the most important resource in supporting the international students. Helping the incoming international students to be paired with a mentor-student is one of the main tasks of our office. A mentor student supports the incoming international students in their academic progress and in gaining competent, successful life skills. In order to help our mentors to be effective in their field, we scheduled the organisation of "Mentor Training Workshop".