Tourism geography (heritage tourism, active tourism, rural tourism)

Research area and keywords of research:
Tourism geography (heritage tourism, active tourism, rural tourism) 
Farmland (“groupe farmsteads”) area research 
Geography teaching methodology, “small-schools”

Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
Tourism research group
Erika Bácskainé Pristyák Dr. PhD

Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Tourism and Geography

Research objectives:

  • To contribute to the knowledge of farms and thus to the development of the territory
  • Exploring the specificities of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county areas and neighbouring areas affected by rural tourism, thus increasing the potential for improving the well-being of the local population
  • Improving the effectiveness of geography teachers, the competences of pupils and the use of useful content and practices. Shaping attitudes and environmental education.

Description and results of research:

  • Understanding the social characteristics of the farms of the Nyírség region, especially the Nyírgyháza farms, and examining their viability. Increasing their role in the developing tourism of the city. Outcomes: strengthening of the sense of identity through active tourism and a slow increase in their role in heritage tourism.
  • Exploration of the transformed rural tourism in the small towns of the county, and the positive and negative effects of festival tourism. Developing their role in active and heritage tourism in this area. To contribute to tourism in the Upper Tisza and Nyirség regions.
  • The task of science education, and geography as part of it, is not only to teach useful knowledge, but also to shape attitudes and increase local knowledge. The aim is to train teacher candidates in the appropriate mix of modern methods (experiential education, project teaching, digital applications) and traditional teaching-learning processes (teaching geography outside the classroom, group work, topographical knowledge). The aim is to present and reinforce the synthesising role of geography and the causal links in teaching lessons, for example through the specificities of our county, Satu Mare, Bereg, Nyirga. More and more methodological options and support are available to geography teachers. While adapting to the changing teaching role and maintaining classical values, the aim is to influence the changing information acquisition and knowledge of the younger generations. 
  • Involving students in research, field work, OTDK presentations.
  • Professional organisation of county-level local history and heritage competitions.

Research partners from other institutions:

  • Dr. Rita Zakor-Broda, Rural Treasures Association
  • Anikó Lipták, Vásárosnamény Tourinform Office
  • Attila Deák, Medieval Churches Road Association
  • Tatár Anikó, Nyíregyházi TDM Office
  • Zsuzsanna Baloghné Szűcs Nyíregyháza Sóstói Museum Village
  • Dr. László Gyuricza, University of Pécs
  • Dr. Nikolett, Rozgonyiné Drotár, József Eötvös Teacher Training High School
  • Prof. Dr. Árpád Hanusz, professor emeritus

Other information:-

Publications (max. 5):

  1. Bácskainé, Pristyák Erika (2022): Changes in the school choices of students living on farms, based on research in farms around Nyíregyháza / Változások a tanyán élő tanulók iskolaválasztási lehetőségeiben, Nyíregyháza környéki bokortanyákon végzett kutatások alapján In: Gombocz, O.; Juhász, M.K.; Mongyi, N. (szerk.) Pedagógiai változások - a változás pedagógiája IV. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem pp. 126-133.
  2. B., Pristyák Erika; Zakor-Broda, Rita (2021): Traditional values, slow tourism or big attraction? The potential role of NGOs in the tourism of Nyíregyháza's bocot farms / Hagyományos értékek, slow tourizmus vagy nagy attrakció? A civil szervezetek lehetséges szerepe a nyíregyházi bokortanyák turizmusában, In: Gonda, Tibor (szerk.) A vidéki örökségi értékek szerepe az identitás erősítésében, a turizmus- és vidékfejlesztésben, Orfűi Turisztikai Egyesület 251 p. pp. 178-187.
  3. Deák Attila-Liptákné Juhász Anikó – B. Pristyák erika (2019): Experiences of Upper Tisza rural heritage tours based on new forms of monument presentation / Felső-Tisza vidéki örökségtúrák tapasztalatai a műemlék-bemutatás új formái alapján In. Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok 2019. IV évfolyan 2. szám pp 39-58.
  4. Bácskainé, Pristyák Erika (2017) The situation of the bush nurseries and new challenges
    ACTA MEDICINAE ET SOCIOLOGICA 8: 25 pp. 69-84. Nyíregyháza, Magyarország: Nyíregyházi Főiskola, 132 p.
  5. B, Pristyák Erika (2013) Description of the Bokors and their opportunities in tourism
  6. Pristyák, Erika (2005) The possibility of the eco-tourism in the Bereg plain
    In: Hochmuth, Z – Tomašikova V (szerk.) Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasnỳch spoločenskỳch zmien v strednej a vỳchodnej Európe. Košice, Szlovákia: Univerzita P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach, pp. 103-108.