1. Name of the Institute |
2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable) |
Aniko Kalman PhD, Dr. Habil. |
3. Research area and keywords of research |
Lifelong learning, Exchange and transfer of knowledge, Adult learning methodology, Comparative intersectoral educational science research, , Implementation of the Knowledge Triangle concept |
4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences) |
Evaluation of learning innovation and creativity, Comparative analysis of multicultural learning environments, Continuing engineering education and training |
5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters) |
Initiator in the interpretation of the lifelong learning paradigm related to the progression of adult training and vocational training, engineering training, professional teacher training, and the foundation and operation of institutional and national networks. Investigated the novel concept of the connection between the knowledge triangle and Lifelong Learning in the modernizing, globalizing and digitizing environment. Worked on a research grant in the UK at the University of Nottingham. Member of the board of directors of the European Engineering Education Association (SEFI, 2014-2020). Co-chairman of the SEFI Continuing Engineering Education working group. |
6. Research partners from other institutions (if any) |
Tampere University Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
7. Other information (if any) |
Habilitation doctorate (2007) in the field of business and management sciences Founded the National Network of Lifelong Learning in Higher Education. (MELLEARN) Head of the Higher Education Department of the Hungarian Pedagogical Association. |
8. Publications (max. 5) |
In: Márton, Sára; Vincze, Tamás (szerk.) Hatvanéves a nyíregyházi tanárképzés : Konferenciakötet Nyíregyháza, Magyarország: IMI Print Kft. (2022) 202 p. pp. 177-201. , 25 p.
Hatvanéves a nyíregyházi tanárképzés: Konferenciakötet Nyíregyháza, Magyarország : IMI Print Kft. (2022) , 202 p. ISBN: 9786156032614 Influences on teacher trainers’ lifelong learning competencies OPUS ET EDUCATIO: MUNKA ÉS NEVELÉS 11 : 2 pp. 156-169. , 14 p. (2024)
Future Perspectives Of Capacity Building In Engineering Education In: Reilly, G.; Murphy, M.; Nagy, B.V.; Jarvinen, H.M. (szerk.) Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023 Brüsszel, Belgium : European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) (2023) pp. 3152-3157. , 6 p. Az életen át tartó tanulás paradigmájától a működő tudásháromszögig Budapest, Magyarország : Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék (2023) , 106 p. Műegyetem Digitális Archívum ISBN: 9786158196130 ResearchGate publ. In: Reilly, G.; Murphy, M.; Nagy, B.V.; Jarvinen, H.M. (szerk.) Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023 Brüsszel, Belgium : European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) (2023) pp. 3255-3261. , 7 p. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION 69 : 6 pp. 903-930. , 24 p. (2023) How the Perception Is Related with the Competencies in the Lifelong learning In: JURE 2023: Book of Abstracts (2023) pp. 12-12. , 1 p. The methodology of educational informatics in higher education OPUS ET EDUCATIO: MUNKA ÉS NEVELÉS 9 : 4 pp. 314-315. , 2 p. (2022) |