Impact assessment of prevention, fitness and special motion therapy and conscious health behavior and related curriculum developments

Research area and keywords of research:
Impact assessment of prevention, fitness and special motion therapy and conscious health behavior and related curriculum developments

Name of the researcher(s) and research group:
Head of research: Dr. Ildikó Vajda - professor

Research instructors: 

  • Dr. Marianna Moravecz – instuctor
  • Anita Molnár - professor assistant - instructor
  • Tamás Vajda - associate professor


  • Balázs Csordás
  • Regina Majoros

Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science

Research objectives:
Impact assessment of prevention, fitness and special motion therapy and conscious health behavior and related curriculum developments

Description and results of research:
Examining the Role of Physical Education in Public Education and in Developing the   
Conscious Health Behavior of Students in Higher Education

Research partners from other institutions:-
Other information:-
Publications (max. 5):

  1. Vajda, I., Major, Zs.,  Moravecz, M.,  Pásztorné, Batta K.,  Vajda, T., Vajda, F.V., ; Oláh, D.,  Nagy, A. (2018 ): Study on physical activity and health behaviour among students at  the University of Nyíregyháza, Magyar Sporttudományi Szemle, 19 : 2 pp. 22-26. ,p.
  2. Vajda, I., Seregi, E., Borbély, Sz., Oláh, D., Vajda, T., Testkultúra és egészségmagatartás vizsgálata a Nyíregyházi Egyetem dolgozói körében. Magyar Sporttudományi Szemle, 20 : 79 p. 94 (2019)