The history and content of theoretical classes in Hungarian secondary music education, The melody and text of Gregorian sequences

Research area and keywords of research:
The history and content of theoretical classes in Hungarian secondary music education
The melody and text of Gregorian sequences
(Keywords: music history, music theory, secondary education, Gregorian)

Name of the researcher(s) and research group:

  • Ádám Mike

Name of the Institute:
University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Music

Research objectives:
I research the history of theoretical classes in Hungarian secondary education, to learn about the structure, operation and formation process of conservatoire, the type of institution, which was formed in the 19th century.

Description and results of research:
Currently I am doing research in music theory, music history and pedagogy. As a PhD student of University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Human Sciences, Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences, my research focuses on the history and content of theoretical classes in Hungarian secondary music education. I investigate the unique institution-system and history of Hungarian music education, and related to this, I analyse the curricula and books of the theoretical classes. At the field of music theory and music history I research the melody and text of Gregorian sequences. I explore the vocal and instrumental adaptations of these songs, first of all by European composers.

Research partners from other institutions:
Music pedagogy research group (University of Debrecen, MMA)

Other information:
Besides the researches, I am engaged in musical creative arts and performance activity. My compositions can often be heard in Hungary as well as abroad. I am the conductor of Sol Oriens Choir (Debrecen).

Publications (max. 5):

  1. Mike Ádám (2022): Magyarország intézményes zeneoktatásának rövid története. In: Szűcs Tímea és Bartalis Izabella (szerk.): Duffek 70. CHERD, Debrecen.

  2. Mike Ádám, Radócz J. Miklós és Szalai Tamás (2022): A digitális zeneoktatás előnyei és hátrányai. In: Váradi Judit (szerk.): Az online tér megjelenése a zeneművészeti oktatásban és a hangverseny-látogatásban. MMA MMKI, Budapest.

  3. Mike Ádám (2021): The history of MEA Music School of Debrecen. In: Kozma Tamás, Boros Julianna és Márkus Edina (szerk.): Community Building and Social Innovation. CHERD, Debrecen.

  4. Mike Ádám (2020): Let’s listen together! – Music history and literature in lower primary school. University of Nyíregyháza, Nyíregyháza. ISBN 978-615-6032-13-3

  5. Mike Ádám (2019): The history of the text and melody of the Gregorian sequence Lauda Sion. STUDIA UBB MUSICA 1/2019.