Institute of Linguistics and Literature

1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)


Dr. Ajtay-Horváth Magda

3.Research area and keywords of research

Stylistics, comparative stylistics, translation studies, the pragmatics of translation, intercultural communication

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

To study intercultural relationships embodied in translations, similar trends and motifs in two or several literatures.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

My primary field is comaparative stylistics and the stylistics of translation  revealed in the parallel study of Hungarian and English literary works belonging to the same stylistic trend: art nouveau and aestheticism at the turn of the 19th 20th literature; and the comparative study of style of pieces of Hungarian literature translated into English and pieces of English literature translated into Hungarian.  I also dealt with the reconstruction of translation theories based on the theoretical works of some of the most prolific and successful Hungarian translators (Arany János, Szász Károly, Babits Mihály, Németh László). My analysis include translations of English classics from Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe up to some of the pieces of modern Hungarian literature ( Krúdy Gyula, Szabó Magda) and postmodern literature (Parti Nagy Lajos, Tibor Fischer). In the method of the analysis applied I integrate the cognitive approach (cognitive stylistics) and pragmatics, considering translations important artefacts of intercultural communication. Apart from translations, other forms of English-Hungarian cultural contacts were also in my professional interest: such as the intermediary cultural space created by permanent and temporary movements of  immigration, peregrination etc.

The language pedagogy and the creation of new teaching material is  a corollary  outcome of my professional interest.  

 The results of my research were published in three individual volumes  and some more than 60 publications and numerous conference talks.


6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max.5)

  • A szecesszió stílusjegyei az angol és a magyar irodalomban.

               Kolozsvár:  Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület. 2001. 

  • Szövegek, nyelvek, kultúrák. Nyíregyháza: Bessenyei György Könyvkiadó. 2010.
  • Endeavours: Occasional Papers on Linguistics Literature, Civilization and Methodology. Ed. Ajtay-Horváth Magda. Nyíregyháza: Bessenyei Kiadó.
  • The Power of Language in Toni Morrison’s ‘Song of Solomon’Romanian Journal of English Studies. Ed. Luminita Frentiu. Temesvár: Editura Mirton 2004. 205-215. 
  • Context Challenged by Poetry. In: Modern Trends in Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Proccedings of the international conference ‘Modern trends in foreign language teaching and applied linguistics in the twenty-first century: Meeting the challenges. Edited by Ilona Huszti and Ilona Lechner. Beregszász 11-12 April, 2014.

               Beregszász/Berehovo 2015. (29-37).





1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Attila Antal Ph.D.

3. Research area and keywords of research

Hungarian literature in Romania, Slovak Republic, Serbia (Voivodina) Ukraine (Sub-Carpathian region) and the West; Hungarian minority in Transylvania, vox humana, transylvanism.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

 Lajos Áprily is a representative of lyrical transylvanism. Áprily’s poetry is an example of a harmonious relationship with nature and our fellow human beings.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

My field of research: Hungarian lyric poetry in the 20th century. Especially: Hungarian lyric poetry beyond our frontiers. My book on the subject: ‘World Conceptual Elements in the Poetry of Lajos Áprily’. (Kriterion Publishing House, Kolozsvár, 2003.) Among the twentieth-century lyricists in Hungary, I focus on the poetry of Mihály Váci, Ferenc Juhász, Gáspár Nagy, György Rónay, József Ratkó and László Kalász.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

 1. World Conceptual Elements in the Poetry of Lajos Áprily. Kriterion Publishing House, Kolozsvár, 2003.

 2. ‘In the grip of personal post and future’ Jenő Dsida: February, evening, six o’ clock (verse analysis) Magyar Napló, 2007/2. 10-12.

 3. ‘History and topicality’ Gáspár Nagy: There, at Lepanto (verse analysis) Magyar Napló, 2007/október, 20-21.

 4. ‘Sigh for value-creating old age’ Lajos Áprily: Northern roses (verse analysis) Agria, 2008/1. 53-56.

 5. ‘About a parable’ György Rónay: The chief’s death (verse analysis) Magyar Napló, 2011/4. 26-27.

1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Balázs Antal

3. Research area and keywords of research

Hungarian literature in the 20th century

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

The absurdism in the Hungarian literature. Interpretation of the relationship between the person and the dictatorship in the Hungarian literature.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

 Absurdism in the Hungarian literature. In this research I am re-reading novels of the late sixties - early seventies for trying to interpret the models of the absurd literature. I focus primarily on two discourses: a thematical one and a poetical one. A discourse about the relationship between the person and the political power, the dictatorship, and a discourse that presents the antecedents and the first initiatives of the phenomenon called ‘prose turning’ in the Hungarian literature. I have published two long parts and some short parts from this research until now, and in the next year I will published a book in this case.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

 Történet polcnyi könyvvel. Mózes Attila írói világa. (monográfia) Lector Kiadó, Marosvásárhely, 2019.

1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Evelina Balla

3. Research area and keywords of research

Modernism in flash fiction of Ukrainian writers of the sixties, Hungarian translation of prose of writers of the sixties.

Keywords: Ukrainian literature, the writers of sixties, flash fiction, poetics, literary translation.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

The aim of the research is to find out the peculiar features of modernist poetics in flash fiction of Ukrainian writers of the sixties, the analysis of innovative style elements, narrative and genre structure. In this aspect the Hungarian translations of these texts are considered.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

Subject of my scientific interest is Ukrainian flash fiction of the second half of 20th century, especially the variety of styles and poetics of lyricism in short stories of the writers of the sixties. The results of my research are 15 scientific articles. Concerning Ukrainian and Hungarian literary contacts, attention is paid to the translation of the works of Ukrainian authors into Hungarian. The analysis of Ukrainian prose and poetry anthology which were published by Shara Karig was compiled. The materials about the life and creative works of famous translators were collected, and several articles on this theme were published.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

Поетика малої прози Миколи Вінграновського // Сучасні проблеми мовознавства та літературознавства. Вип. 20. 2015. С.105-108.

Ліричне начало в малій прозі Валерія Шевчука // Az empíriától az elméletig / Szerkesztette Karádi Zsolt és Pethő József. Nyíregyháza – Ungvár: „RIK-U” Kiadó, 2018. С.275-280.

Новели Миколи Вінграновського «Наш батько» і «Скриня» в перекладі угорською мовою // Україністика в Угорщині та поза її межами. Матеріали міжнародного наукового форуму.  Nyíregyháza: „RIK-U” Kiadó, 2019.  С.135-142.

Шара Каріґ – популяризатор української літератури в Угорщині // Сучасні проблеми мовознавства та літературознавства. Вип. 24. Ужгород, 2019. С.68-72.

Мала проза українських письменників-шістдесятників у перекладі угорською мовою // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: Філологія. Ужгород, 2019. Вип.2 (42). С.137-143.


1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

Bertóthyné dr. Végvári Erzsébet

3. Research area and keywords of research

The technical language of typing; The relationship between typing and language

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

Compiling and expanding the typing vocabulary; Gathering new words

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

 Expanding vocabulary (continually gathering new expressions, phrases, words)

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)


1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Zsolt Karádi PhD

3. Research area and keywords of research

Transylvanian Hungarian lyre and the most important figures in the history of the dramatic criticism beyond the study of the phenomena of our literature today; analysis of some phenomena of the French-Hungarian translation stylistics

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

The goal is to understand some processes of the 20th century Hungarian literature through creative portraits.
A more detailed analysis based on the results of literary and theatrical criticism of the century.
An analogy of the history of Hungarian-French literary-art relations and translation statistics.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

The researches of Zsolt Karádi are focusing on the Transylvanian Hungarian lyre and the most important figures in the history of the dramatic criticism beyond the study of the phenomena of our literature today. Beside these themes he also pays attention to the analysis of some phenomena of the French-Hungarian translation stylistics. His books published in the past few years (Hangnemek és árnyalatok, 2017; Az Erdélyi Helikon vonzásában, 2017; ‘Az ég nem emberséges’, 2016; Franciák és magyarok, 2018) are including the results he achieved in the mentioned areas.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)

 Partner institutions: Móricz Zsigmond Megyei és Városi Könyvtár, Nyíregyháza, Debreceni Egyetem, Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum és Intézet, Budapest, Kölcsey Társaság, Fehérgyarmat, Sugárút folyóirat, Szatmárnémeti, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem Kölcsey Ferenc Tanítóképző Intézet, Móricz Zsigmond Kulturális Egyesület, Nyíregyháza.

7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

‘Az ég nem emberséges’, Feliciter, 2016;

Hangnemek és árnyalatok, Móricz Zsigmond Könyvtár, 2017;

Az Erdélyi Helikon vonzásában, Örökségünk, 2017;

Franciák és magyarok, Örökségünk, 2018

Művek és gesztusok, Feliciter, 2019.

1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

Béla Lukács

3. Research area and keywords of research

My field of research centres around English idioms: their variability; factors causing them to vary, etc.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

Finding systematicity and regularities of idiom variation; discovering their potential regarding English teaching in a cognitive way. These are the main objectives of my research plan submitted to the PhD course of English Linguistics at the University of Debrecen. My supervisor is Dr. Attila Cserép.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

 After completing the objectives of my research plan, I will have considerable insight in this rather complex issue, which will help me instructing English idioms to my students in a comparatively new but - on the basis of the literature - highly efficient way.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

Béla Lukács: Different Conceptual Metonymies in England and Hungarian Idioms Involving Red, Blue and Green, In: Kovács, Zoltán; Minya, Károly (szerk.) Inter- és multidiszciplináris kutatások a Nyíregyházi Egyetemen, Nyíregyházi Egyetem (2019) pp. 145-159.


Béla Lukács: The Ambiguity of English Structures with No or Minimal Context, ARGUMENTUM -: (14) pp. 124-149.


Béla Lukács: Word Spy's New English Words Coined between 2014 and 2018, ARGUMENTUM 14: pp. 429-449.












1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

Károly Minya

3. Research area and keywords of research

The examination of neologisms

lexicography, vocabulary, neologism, archaism

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

Monography about the organisation of neologism, dictionaries containing neologism.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

The examination of neologisms. All living languages change, and in the vocabulary of every language a bidirectional process occurs. On the one hand words appear (neologism), on the other hand, words disappear (archaism). Nowadays the tendency of an ever-growing number of neologisms characterize languages. Neologisms can be classified according to the following aspects: their purpose, their method of formation, their frequency in language, according to the form of communication, to their conceptual content, to their intentionality and, according to what part of speech they belong to. In terms of origin the words can be divided into two main categories: internally generated words (including word creation and word formation) and words of foreign origin.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)

Balázs Géza, ELTE, Hungarian Research Group of Language Strategy

7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

Mai magyar nyelvújítás. Szókészletünk módosulása a neologizmusok tükrében a rendszerváltozástól az ezredfordulóig. Segédkönyvek a nyelvészet tanulmányozásához XVI. Tinta Könyvkiadó. Budapest. 2003. 120 p.

Új szavak I. Nyelvünk 1250 új szava értelmezésekkel és példamondatokkal. Az ékesszólás kiskönyvtára sorozat. 3. Tinta Könyvkiadó. Budapest. 2007. 179 p.

Változó szókincsünk. A neologizmusok több szempontú vizsgálata. Segédkönyvek a nyelvészet tanulmányozásához 118. Tinta Könyvkiadó. Budapest. 2011. 155 p.

Új szavak II. Nyelvünk 800 új szava értelmezésekkel és példamondatokkal. Az ékesszólás kiskönyvtára sorozat. 32. Tinta Könyvkiadó. Budapest. 2014. 141 p.

Új szavak III. Nyelvünk 850 új szava értelmezésekkel és példamondatokkal. Az ékesszólás kiskönyvtára sorozat. 63. Tinta Könyvkiadó. Budapest. 2019. 160 p.







1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of theresearcher(s) and researchgroup (ifapplicable)

 Dr. Veronika Schéder

3. Research area and keywords of research

The effect of the stepping horse's movement on the rider’s phoneme production. Our hypothesis is that the muscle-relaxing effect exercised on the person sitting on a walking horse also affects the muscle groups of organs participating in speech production, and its results can also be detected on oscillographs.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

 An empirical verification of the claim that sitting on horseback regulates muscle tonality.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

 We attempt to empirically verify the claim, often found in relevant literature, that sitting on horseback regulates muscle tonality, since the human central nervous system has the innate capacity to accommodate to the harmonic and rhythmic movement of the walking horse.The results of the research may contribute to the planning of a horse-assisted therapy for people with disorders of the fluency of speech production, and may also serve as evidence for the acceptance of the relevance of horse therapy as a complex sensory-motor training.

6. Research partnersfromotherinstitutions (ifany)


7. Otherinformation (ifany)

 I have an accredited qualification in horse-assisted therapy.

8. Publications (max. 5)

 ’A lépő ló mozgásának hatása a lovon ülő ember hangképzésére’ Acta Academiae Nyiregyhaziensis, 2019/3. szám: 209-221.

’Lovasterápia a neuro- és pszicholingvisztikai zavarok rehabilitációjában’ IMI Print Kft., Nyíregyháza, 2017.

’Az alkotó-fejlesztő meseterápia integrációs lehetőségei lovasterápiás foglalkozásokon szorongó gyermekek terápiájában’ Acta Medicinae et Sociologica, 2016/7. szám: 79-92.



1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Viktória Stefuca

3. Research area and keywords of research

 Ukrainian and Moldovan charters of 14th and 15th centuries.

 Key words: proper and governmental names of Hungarian origin, structure of business documents, language of charters.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

 Research of Ukrainian and Moldovan charters of 14th and 15th centuries, studying in detail proper and governmental names of Hungarian origin written in these charters.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

The research pays attention on proper and governmental names of Hungarian origin which can be found in Ukrainian and Moldovan charters of 14th and 15th centuries. In 11 publications, characterization of Hungarian proper and governmental names, structure of business documents and language of the charters was made. Moreover, 4 textbooks for learning the Ukrainian language as a foreign language for Hungarians were published in co-authorship.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

 Вікторія Штефуца: Угорські запозичення в говорах української мови XIV–XV століття. In: Tимченківські наукові читання. Засідання 1. Пам'ятка як джерело вивчення історії мови, Львів,2017, С. 225–234.

 Stefuca Viktória: Трудощі українcько-угорськoго перекладу власних назв. In: Multikulturalizmus és diverzitás a 21. században. Nemzetközi Tudományos konferencia, Beregszáz, 2018, Absztraktkötet., Szerk.: Nagy Kolozsvári Enikő-Kovács Szilvia, „Rik-U” Kft., Ungvár, 2018, 355-357 p.

 Stefuca Viktória: Iсторiя угорської урядової назви «банъ» на матеріалах українсько-молдавських грамотах XIV–XV століття. In: Az empíríától az elméletig. Tanulmányok a nyelv- és irodalom köréből. Szerk.: Karádi Zsolt-Pethő József. Nyíregyháza-Ungvár, 2018.281-287 p.

Stefuca Viktória: Угорські особові назви як запозичення в говорах української мови на матеріалах українсько-молдавських грамотах XIV–XV століття. In:Acta Hungarica. Nyelvek, irodalmak és kultúrák kölcsönhatása a globalizáció korában. Szerk.: Lizanec Péter. Ungvár, 2018. 159-169 p.

Вікторія Штефуца: Особливості композиційної структури українських пам’яток ХІV–ХV століть. In: Acta Academiaie Beregsasiensis, Tudományos folyóirat. XVIII. évfolyam, Beregszász–Ungvár, 2018. 365–371 p.












1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Zsolt Sebestyén PhD

3. Research area and keywords of research

 Linguistics, place names, personal names.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)


Place names and personal names in the Northeast region of Hungary and in Transcarpathia.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)


My field of research: Place and personal names in the Northeast region of old Hungary and in Transcarpathia. In recent years I have published several books on this topic. I primarily research the origin and change of place names. My recent research is collecting and processing the personal names from the 16-18th century in Bereg county.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)

 ELTE, University of Debrecen, National University of Uzhorod.

7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)


Sebestyén Zsolt (2010), Bereg megye helységneveinek etimológiai szótára. Bessenyei Kiadó, Nyíregyháza.

Sebestyén Zsolt (2012), Máramaros megye helységneveinek etimológiai szótára. Bessenyei Kiadó, Nyíregyháza.

Sebestyén Zsolt–Úr Lajos (2014), Ung megye helységneveinek etimológiai szótára. Ungvár.

Sebestyén Zsolt (2017), A Felső-Tisza-vidék folyóvíznevei. Nyíregyházi Egyetem, Nyíregyháza.

Sebestyén Zsolt (2020), Kárpátalja helységnevei. Nyíregyháza.








1. Name of the Institute

Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Nyíregyháza

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Tímea Tomori

  • Applied Communication Sciences Research Group (Eger)
  • Comenius Communication Research Group (Sárospatak)
  • Eszterházy Károly University, School Pedagogy Research Group, Information Society Research team (Eger)

3. Research area and keywords of research

Research area: communication sciences, competence development, didactics, education

Keywords: transversal competence, curriculum theory, school pedagogy, information literacy

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

 In secondary schools, showing the conscious communication development for teachers. Drawing attention to the dangers and opportunities of the digital culture. With the development of the educated middle-level people's awareness about consumption.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

Individual topic: Communication competence and information literacy as transversal competences development opportunities - with special regard to the culture of methodology and learning environment - in secondary vocational school.

 The topic og research team: Our goal is to introduce the results of a survey distributed among primary and secondary school teachers in Hungary, Poland, and Lithuania, working in 200 selected primary and secondary schools in each respective country. The survey aims to acquire a picture of these teachers 'knowledge enabling the development of students' information literacy skills, with the final goal of contributing to the improvement of information literacy education in the public (K12) education.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)

Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Vincas Grigas


University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Anna Mierzecka


Eszterházy Károly University, Eger, Hungary

Koltay Tibor

7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

 Grigas, Vincas ; Mierzecka, Anna ; Koltay, Tibor ; Tomori, Tímea

Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes to Information Literacy: A Study of A Questionnaire Validity

In: Roy, Loriene; Mizrachi, Diane; Grassian, Esther; Huotari, Maija Leena; Boustany, Joumana; Ünal, Yurdagül; Špiranec, Sonja; Kurbanoğlu, Serap -

Information Literacy in Everyday Life

Springer International Publishing, (2019) pp. 357-368. Paper: Chapter 34 , 12 p.


Tomori, Tímea

Időgazdálkodás az információs társadalom iskolájában

In: Balázs, Géza; Minya, Károly; Pölcz, Ádám (szerk.)

Az idő szemiotikája

Budapest, Magyarország : Magyar Szemiotikai Társaság, (2018) pp. 213-222. , 10 p.



Tomori, Tímea

Az információs műveltség szerepe az oktatásban

In: Varga, Gyula H (szerk.)

Kommunikációs tudatosság – médiatudatosság.

Budapest, Magyarország : Hungarovox Kiadó, (2018) pp. 211-226. , 16 p.


Tomori, Tímea

Merre Tart(hat) az iskola? Az információs műveltség korának lehetőségei az oktatási kultúrában

SÁROSPATAKI PEDAGÓGIAI FÜZETEK 2018 : 27 pp. 231-245. , 15 p. (2018)


Tomori, Tímea

Nemzedékelméletek a neveléstudomány szemszögéből. Változó generációk, változó módszertani kultúra

In: Hulyák-Tomesz, Tímea (szerk.)

Generációs kérdések a kommunikációs készségfejlesztésben

Budapest, Magyarország : Hungarovox Kiadó, (2019) pp. 103-115. , 13 p.


1. Name of the Institute

 Institute of Languages and Literature

(Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Intézet)

2. Name of the researcher(s) and research group (if applicable)

 Dr. Tamás Tukacs

3. Research area and keywords of research

1930s British fiction; modernism; remembering; trauma; nostalgia; melancholia.

4. Research objectives (in 1-2 sentences)

My main concern is how different forms of modernist remembering are structured in the post- (or secondary) modernist period of the thirties. More generally, the examination of the modernist/secondary modernist generational shift in British fiction.

5. Description and results of research (in detail, max. 1500 characters)

 1. Certain English novels of the 1930s show a marked shift as compared to the strategies of remembering of the 1920s “high modernism,” inasmuch as they call into question the latter’s demands for totalisation concerning memory. 2. The result of the pathological work of memory in the examined novels of the decade is that the self-enclosed, aesthetically-motivated presence, aiming at totality and depth is rendered impossible, since it is highly threatened either by the intrusion of the past (trauma), or the deflation of the present (melancholia), or the futile longing for the past (nostalgia). 3. These texts of the 1930s, examined from the point of view of strategies of remembering, may also serve as points of orientation in the comparison of classic and late-modernist novels.

6. Research partners from other institutions (if any)


7. Other information (if any)


8. Publications (max. 5)

 1. A megrekedt idő: az emlékezet válsága a késő modern angol regényben, Debrecen, Magyarország : Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó (2014) , 234 p. ISBN: 9789633184028

2. Jonah in the Whale: The Spatial Aspects of Nostalgia in James Hilton’s Lost Horizon and George Orwell’s Coming Up for Air EGER JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES 13 pp. 47-65. , 19 p. (2013)

3. Memory, War and Trauma in Late Modernism: Henry Green’s Caught ANACHRONIST 17 pp. 207-228. , 22 p. (2013)

4. ‘I am a Camera’: Melancholia in Christopher Isherwood’s Goodbye to Berlin HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 17 : 2 pp. 263-281. , 19 p. (2011)

5. Being Engaged: Trauma in Henry Green’s Party Going EGER JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES 9 pp. 3-19. , 17 p. (2009)